The Ridgy Didge Aussie Lumberjack 2018 Calendar
We are super excited to bring to you this crazy Calendar that has been put together wholly and solely for Mollie’s Mission with 100% profits going to Mollies Mission.
I am going to tell you all a little story about this Calendar and how it came about…………
The model featured all the way through it is my son Jared who is indeed “Lumberjack Jared”. Now Jared is not any normal “funny fat” guy he is a son, a brother, an uncle, a grandson, a “nephew” to Gypsy and a friend to Mollie. Sounds like any normal guy right………….wrong!
Jared has suffered severe social anxiety all his life, can’t hold a regular job, has trouble meeting people and making friends and hides behind his computer screen. But behind that “Funny Fat Guy” is a warm caring loveable guy who put his Body on the line (literally) to do this for Mollie.
I might be just his Mum; but I am one very proud Mum! I would also like to thank my good friend Jess McIntosh from JRM Images who made this possible with me and went above and beyond taking photos to bring you the best we could.
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