Hello my name is Mollie, and here I am to ask for help!
I need to get my life back after 5 years of hell and major losses -
this nightmare needs to end!
My life changed forever, due to an accident and a series of
professional negligence that followed, which intensified my already
bad health. I am now left bed bound and need life saving surgery.
In a nutshell, I need surgery to remove my severely broken coccyx.
Our public health system has failed me on more levels then one.
So I’m left with no option other than the private health system,
which is at a great expense to my family. Without this surgery I will
NEVER get the treatment I desperately need.
As I haven't been able to work for the past 5 years, and became ill
as my adult life was just starting out, I have no money saved and
the amount of money needed is where I need your help.
My coccyx needs to be removed As soon as possible, as it is broken
into a U shape (backwards) and is pushing against my bowel wall.
Each toilet trip is a huge risk, one that might end in a ruptured bowel
and could lead to me bleeding out and dying. I don't want to die, and
at 25yrs old it shouldn't even be something I should have to worry
about - But I do.
I may not ever have a normal life again due to my rare neurological
pain condition, (Complex Regional Pain Syndrome-CRPS), However
I do deserve an as normal and safe life as possible - One where I can
make choices, and have the freedom to do things that I have severely
missed out on. I'd just turned 21yrs old when the accident took place. Most people between the ages of 21 and 25 (my current age), have been out growing, learning to have fun, taking photos of those great life changing moments, So that when they're older they can look back and think, those were some amazing times.
But my moments are of constant non-stop suffering and losses. Most people experience a great loss and then are able to get help and seek treatment, and eventually learn to find a new normal. But for me I have never even gotten to the treatment part. Instead I was pushed away and left to suffer - Forgotten about. For me it’s been hell. Non-stop suffering and worst of all, I will never get my younger years back, and that has crushed me in so many ways. I have watched everyone else have theirs and I'll never get that back.
But I can ask for your help so that I still may get some sort of happiness back, Where I can meet new people and have beautiful life experiences, Maybe meet a decent partner - Things that every human being needs in order to have happiness and joy in their life. I seek that too.
So what is CRPS? CRPS is this very rare pain condition that causes the highest know pain to man – mine is through my left leg. The risk of this condition spreading from the removal of my coccyx is extremely high, which is why I need the best possibly surgeon and rehabilitation program possible, with people that understand CRPS and can work with my CRPS to help me. This is a lot harder than most understand, as no one; I have met up until Dr Donnellan truly understands CRPS - How it moves, how it behaves, The pain that it causes and how that pain is "triggered".
CRPS is a condition that works the central nervous system in the body and intensifies the nerves messages. These messages are of Pain. Pain like if you were to cut off your finger and put it over fire, but heightened by 1000%. The brain reads this pain as if I'd just chopped my leg off, yet physically that is not the case, but this doesn't mean it is in my head. That is where I have trouble with getting treatment.
Please, I desperately need this help. My family needs your help. After 5 years we are truly broken and beyond words can’t express how exhausted we are of this constant battle.
Please feel free to explore my web page, learn about my daily struggles, understand CRPS and spread the word about my fundraising mission.
With much gratitude and hope in our hearts,
Kind regards and many thanks
Mollie and family xx